I don't keep logs of that, and the update doesn't do any telemetry reporting or anything sneaky like that (I'm not Microsoft), however I can give you an idea from my cpanel where the update script has been read from - it's been loaded over 860 times in the last month. That could be a mixture of people on Linux, MacOS and Windows - but it's hard to imagine that those 860 amount to the same bunch of users each time.
For example, that update where it grabs over 100 files - that counts as 1 update lookup check, so 860+ of those...
I have noticed a trend though. Every zip file example that you might find on the LCC (mothership forum), which Richmond will occasionally reference as "learning from across the way #", those zip files - when unzipped they usually have a "__MACOSX" folder, implying that the zip file has been made on a mac - so I think there must be lots of Mac users, then windows users, and Linux is probably the minority - unless everyone is running it on Raspberry PI's or something like that in coding classes (that would be nice, but highly doubtful).