Extra bits appear when you are viewing that in Linux too.
It's kind of conditional to some extent (stuff about Linux dependencies for example, that you don't need to see in MacOS)
While you have those screenshots shown, I should mention that you can additionally force the 'revmenubar' into a certain location too, using that X and Y adjustment in the compatibility section.
That may make it less tedious to adjust the positioning of it on MacOS.

- pref-lin.png (69.2 KiB) Viewed 1710 times
Perhaps also worth mentioning, that on Windows / MacOS and Linux - you don't need to install anything to build an android app. You can now simply point the IDE towards these folders:

- mob-support.png (24.38 KiB) Viewed 1706 times
Edit: ignore that above.
I've since added this:

- new-opts.gif (53.73 KiB) Viewed 1354 times