Mac menu woes continued

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Mac menu woes continued

Post by tperry2x »

So, I'm not having any luck compiling the engine for MacOS - but that doesn't mean I'm not putting my Sonoma mac to good use.
I'm using it to test menu compatibility at the moment.

This is a menu test stack (I'll share link at the end of these posts - when I have all the bits in the same folder).
I actually built this standalone on Linux for MacOSx64 and it's running absolutely fine. (No terminal commands required afterwards).

Of course, that screenshot is Catalina 10.15 and an unpatched version of the standalone menu test stack (on a different mac).

The goal next then is to try to use Tom's patch (no, I'm not mad - someone else called Tom) - in a bit more streamlined way. I did a series of experiments previously which Richmond beta-tested for me. These use an alternative pre-patched standalone - and I'll incorporate this in the next update to OXT Lite. I now have a Sonoma mac to test this on, so can move forward with it.
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Re: Mac menu woes continued

Post by richmond62 »

I actually built this standalone on Linux for MacOSx64 and it's running absolutely fine. (No terminal commands required afterwards).
That's the bit that is the most impressive.

Obviously, not only are you not mad, you are also not 'chmod'. 8-)
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Re: Mac menu woes continued

Post by tperry2x »

Bear in mind though, this is on Catalina. Before a lot more 'security' measures came to pass with Apple. My next task is to see how (if) any of this runs in Sonoma... later on though. There's a pizza with my name on it :lol:
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Re: Mac menu woes continued

Post by richmond62 »

There's a pizza with my name on it
Your children will wolf the lot before you get to it. 8-)
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Re: Mac menu woes continued

Post by tperry2x »

They started to, until they encountered the first Jalapeño. :lol: #baddad 8-)

Anyway, they have their own.
(Who puts pineapple on a pizza!)

Here's the results of my Sonoma foray:
01-unpatched-built on linux.png
01-unpatched-built on linux.png (164.6 KiB) Viewed 1506 times
The unpatched version, which I created on Linux - runs on Sonoma. Yay!
It asks for permissions to record the screen and audio (weird) when I'm not actually doing anything with the screen or audio...
If I'd not created the stack in the first place, I might start to wonder why I'm being asked for that and what exactly this app is doing?... but anyway, I continue as I know I didn't add any screen capture script.

I grant it anyway, as it appears in the security settings - don't know why it needs this:
02-permissions-after.png (46.85 KiB) Viewed 1506 times
(I'm wondering if it's something with drawing that transparent section of the menubar in the stack???)

However, and this next part is unfortunately expected, but it got further than I thought it would. I clicked the "mac menubar" button which applies the in-stack menu in place on MacOS... waited for the crash. That didn't happen.
03-applied-menu-unpatched.png (57.77 KiB) Viewed 1506 times
Not until I clicked either the menu, or clicked the desktop so it wasn't the frontmost application:
04-quitout.png (71.02 KiB) Viewed 1506 times
The patched version (using the code that Tom supplied), and this standalone was actually created back on OSX 10.9 Mavericks(!) works fine. This has Tom's menu patch code, and includes the menubar just fine.
05-sonoma-pre-patched-from-10-9.png (131.71 KiB) Viewed 1506 times
I will try and build a dialog into the Mac standalone settings to include the option of patching this for Sonoma+, although I want it to be more streamlined than in the beta tests I did (back in OXT Lite v1.08).

I may as well attempt to include all the plist strings as needed too... note, the word "attempt" as I still don't know how.

I mean - full credit still goes to Tom for this. I have my issues around possible missing images with the patched standalones though - and as Paul has said, preloading the images seems to fix it, but that needs a section in the standalone builder with a little warning triangle on.

As promised, link to all my test stack and these experiments.
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Re: Mac menu woes continued

Post by richmond62 »

On Sunday for some very odd reason I will be at work and will run that on MacOS 15 Sequoia.
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Re: Mac menu woes continued

Post by richmond62 »

Here I am (4 am Norfolk time) in front of my MacOS Sequoia machine.

built on linux for MacOS:
SShot 2025-01-26 at 6.10.35.png
SShot 2025-01-26 at 6.10.35.png (31.79 KiB) Viewed 1439 times

SShot 2025-01-26 at 6.14.19.png
SShot 2025-01-26 at 6.14.19.png (50.81 KiB) Viewed 1439 times
SShot 2025-01-26 at 6.14.33.png
SShot 2025-01-26 at 6.14.33.png (52.49 KiB) Viewed 1439 times
CRASH when click on 'MacOS Menu Bar'.
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Re: Mac menu woes continued

Post by richmond62 »

SShot 2025-01-26 at 6.17.37.png
SShot 2025-01-26 at 6.17.37.png (56.87 KiB) Viewed 1438 times
SShot 2025-01-26 at 6.17.46.png
SShot 2025-01-26 at 6.17.46.png (58.79 KiB) Viewed 1438 times
SShot 2025-01-26 at 6.17.54.png
SShot 2025-01-26 at 6.17.54.png (71.23 KiB) Viewed 1438 times
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Re: Mac menu woes continued

Post by richmond62 »

SShot 2025-01-26 at 6.20.14.png
SShot 2025-01-26 at 6.20.14.png (55.55 KiB) Viewed 1438 times
SShot 2025-01-26 at 6.20.24.png
SShot 2025-01-26 at 6.20.24.png (57.37 KiB) Viewed 1438 times
CRASH when click on 'MacOS Menu Bar'.

You owe me a bag of winegums for, perhaps, one of the most boring pieces of alpha/beta/gamma testing I have ever done. 8-)
WG.jpg (9.75 KiB) Viewed 1437 times
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Re: Mac menu woes continued

Post by tperry2x »

richmond62 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2025 4:21 am You owe me a bag of winegums for, perhaps, one of the most boring pieces of alpha/beta/gamma testing I have ever done. 8-)
Sorry it was boring, but at least it was as I expected. Thank you, as it confirms that the patch works as it should - not just on my Sonoma mac.
I couldn't resist - but cannot help but draw a comparison :D
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Re: Mac menu woes continued

Post by richmond62 »

What a super film. :lol:
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Re: Mac menu woes continued

Post by tperry2x »

built on linux for MacOS:
  • MacOS says it's damaged (It's not, just doesn't contain codesigning info) - it can't because zsign & isign can only be used to sign iOS apps on Linux, not MacOS app bundles. More possibles on that here.
  • Crashes on Sonoma+ - this is expected as it's not got the sonoma patch by Tom applied to the standalone., built-on-OSX10.9
  • Works on Sonoma - this is good. Means someone who's even still using MacOS 10.9 Mavericks could build a compatible Sonoma App, from their old mac.
  • Crash - again, expected - because it's not got the menu patch.
The same would be true, making a MacOS app via Wine - or on Windows.
It can't do the codesigning - (it can only do that on a Mac), so Big Sir (and up) will throw it's toys out of the pram when you try and run it.
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