SuperCard may have gone extinct.

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Re: SuperCard may have gone extinct.

Post by FourthWorld »

The domain name renewal lapsed last summer, and SC's current owner, Mark Lucas, was unable to get the credentials from the estate of the former co-owner in time. He went to great lengths to try to reacquire the domain, but it was snagged by a foreign domain squatter who apparently didn't have much of an orderly process for handling bids.

I just spoke with ML this morning. He's in good spirits, and is working to establish a new domain for SuperCard.
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Re: SuperCard may have gone extinct.

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

FourthWorld wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 5:39 pm I just spoke with ML this morning. He's in good spirits, and is working to establish a new domain for SuperCard.
Oh, that's good to hear there's still a spark of hope for SuperCard.

Please let us all know when he gets s new domain / website / URL together.
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Re: SuperCard may have gone extinct.

Post by FourthWorld »

Back up at a new domain:
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Re: SuperCard may have gone extinct.

Post by richmond62 »

I'll be on it just as soon as I'm home: and hope for a 64-bit version in due course.

It will be good to explore things again.
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Re: SuperCard may have gone extinct.

Post by richmond62 »

Unfortunately that website is still promulgating something I feel is wrong:
Unfortunately, producing a 64-bit version of SuperCard requires a complete rewrite of the software as Apple has gone back on their promise to deliver 64-bit Carbon frameworks.
emphasis is mine.

Whether Apple made a promise or not, most people round these parts should have learnt, on the basis of 'promises' and 'stretch goals' (presumably 'stretch' as in 'stretching the truth') not to rely on a very large number of pronouncements that software companies come up with:

and Apple, having spent a long time running down 'Trumpy-poos' is sucking up to him like there's no tomorrow now: so, frankly, I would not trust anything they say: or, as my Granny used to say, "Let me see it!"

I do wonder, however, if it is worth the MONEY for the SuperCard chap to try and get a 64-bit thing off the ground, and whether it would be worth the effort if he were to make the source code Open Source and give it away, for anyone to try to run up a 64-bit version.
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Re: SuperCard may have gone extinct.

Post by richmond62 »

What is also unfortunate it that there is a page of downloads:

Where below every download it states:
Requires a valid serial number to run.
But nowhere to beg/borrow.steal/ or buy a valid serial number.

This does give the impression that this is JUST a place for people who have paid in the past to download installers they may have mislaid, rather than anything else serious.
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Re: SuperCard may have gone extinct.

Post by FourthWorld »

richmond62 wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2025 3:25 pm I do wonder, however, if it is worth the MONEY for the SuperCard chap to try and get a 64-bit thing off the ground, and whether it would be worth the effort if he were to make the source code Open Source and give it away, for anyone to try to run up a 64-bit version.
If open source was a panacea we'd be so happily coding away on ARM Macs we'd have no time to think about other xTalks.
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Re: SuperCard may have gone extinct.

Post by FourthWorld »

richmond62 wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2025 3:27 pm What is also unfortunate it that there is a page of downloads:

Where below every download it states:
Requires a valid serial number to run.
But nowhere to beg/borrow.steal/ or buy a valid serial number.

This does give the impression that this is JUST a place for people who have paid in the past to download installers they may have mislaid, rather than anything else serious.
But there is a link to the forums where you can ask the owner.

He's there often. He doesn't even know about forum. Odds are low your request can be satisfied here, but very high he can find a way to update your reg code there.
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Re: SuperCard may have gone extinct.

Post by tperry2x »

richmond62 wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2025 3:27 pm This does give the impression that this is JUST a place for people who have paid in the past to download installers they may have mislaid, rather than anything else serious.
Yes, this is just a re-upload of the bare minimum to provide a download link by the look of it. Who knows if it'll go any further than this. I really hope it does, the more xTalks the merrier, and the more competition out there in commercial-circles, the better.
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