AppleScript + AppleScriptObjC + Interface Builder

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AppleScript + AppleScriptObjC + Interface Builder

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

Back when RunRev was starting out refurbishing MetaCard in the early-mid 2000s, and I was busy not hearing about them at all, when I wasn't still running HyperCard in macOS X "Classic" mode, I did a fair amount of messing around with AppleScript + AppleScriptObjC + Interface Builder (I guess around 2006/7?)... it was NOT the HyperCard replacement I'd hoped it would've been, but I sort of guessed it wouldn't be.

I'd say AppleScript is xTalk-Like but not really xTalk. Kevin Calhoun of Apple / HyperCard fame once said AppleScript is actually "LISP in disguise". I don't know about that but it's not quite xTalk enough for me and mixing in Objective C objects was hard for me to grasp at the time (I'm much more comfortable with the concepts now).

Around then the economy crashed, my 3rd son was born, and I had some other things going on in my life and just sort of drifted away from coding for awhile until around 2014 when I discovered LiveCode existed.

For a short time I messed around with combining the two, AppleScript/ASObjC + LiveCode communicating back and forth via AppleScript / AppleEvents. It sort of worked enough that I was able to make a Mac MenuBar App with the combo, although blocking (waiting for "the result") was an issue at times. Then Livecode Builder came along and basically superseded the need for that.
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