Comments on 0.97

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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by tperry2x »

richmond62 wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 11:08 am I hope I am not being targetted. :lol:
haha, no - don't worry. I didn't mean it in the direction of anyone in particular, however if someone else has enthusiasm for the MacOS platform (like I once did in my earlier days), I'd welcome them to step in.
richmond62 wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 11:08 am might be a grand idea to keep making Mac versions by sequential twiddling with 0.96, rather than going for full builds, or whatever you have been doing to produce non-functional Mac builds, and get you in a foul temper.
I wouldn't say I'm in a foul temper. That probably came across though. No, just despondent about the state of MacOS - and feeling that obviously Apple won't revoke their position on codesigning any time soon (ever).
(I wish was up an running, I really do!)

What I'd suggest is if you can just open your 0.96 copy you wish to update, then just open this updates stack:
(16.64 KiB) Downloaded 116 times
In the file it creates on your desktop, please check that the version is showing 0.97 and the build shows 202312241524

I'll set this up now so that the update should allow you to update to 0.97 via this method...

1. Run the update, so you have the "" on your desktop
2. Quit OpenXTalk 0.96 completely
3. Open Terminal
4. type "su" and enter your admin password (assuming you are an administrator).
5. open the "" in textedit / bbedit, select all and copy
6. paste into your open terminal window and press return
7. Launch OpenXTalk Lite again, and you should have 0.97 build 202312241524 with all the changes.

(fingers crossed it then actually runs!)
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by richmond62 »

Remember that people like Paris Hilton, with small brains and big bank accounts, are more important to Apple than thee or me.

All one has to do is read through the new features of MacOS since about 10.12 to realise that they are all to do with cosmetic crap and positioning the Apple universe as the Gucci handbag of computer systems.

This is why I like MacOS 10.7 (run 2 Macs with that in my school), MacOS 10.6 and stuff like Shuriken and Sorbet Leopard. The only snag is that getting those to work on non-Apple hardware is a pox.

My big eye-opener came when, about 8 years ago, the 10 year old daughter of one of Bulgaria's richest oligarchs, who just happened to be learning English with me, complained because she could not install the Mac open source version of LC on her Mac laptop: because she was running Windows, only, on her MacBook!
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by tperry2x »

OpenXTalkPaul wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:32 pm ... 5210#p5210
and ... 5347#p5347

if there is a selectedObject with a textSize prop or text chunk selection then command+shift+Plus increases the textSize
if there is a selectedObject with a textSize prop or text chunk selection then command+shift+Minus decreases the textSize.
Likewise, you can change text alignment with command+shift-L (left), command+shift-C (centered), command+shift-R (right)
Please can you give me the script for that too, and tell me which file you added it to.
I looked at the file in your github repo: ... codescript

But this hasn't been changed in 6 years, so if you can let me know what the changes are, I'll incorporate them.

If anyone is on 0.97 of OpenXTalk Lite, and runs the check for updates, they'll get the update you mentioned above that removes the 'save as' shortcut. (They will then be on v0.97, build 202312241525)
I just now need the enlarge / decrease script (and where to add it) so if you can let me have that, I'll incorporate that too.
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

tperry2x wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:46 pm
OpenXTalkPaul wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:32 pm ... 5210#p5210
and ... 5347#p5347

if there is a selectedObject with a textSize prop or text chunk selection then command+shift+Plus increases the textSize
if there is a selectedObject with a textSize prop or text chunk selection then command+shift+Minus decreases the textSize.
Likewise, you can change text alignment with command+shift-L (left), command+shift-C (centered), command+shift-R (right)
Please can you give me the script for that too, and tell me which file you added it to.
I looked at the file in your github repo: ... codescript

But this hasn't been changed in 6 years, so if you can let me know what the changes are, I'll incorporate them.

If anyone is on 0.97 of OpenXTalk Lite, and runs the check for updates, they'll get the update you mentioned above that removes the 'save as' shortcut. (They will then be on v0.97, build 202312241525)
I just now need the enlarge / decrease script (and where to add it) so if you can let me have that, I'll incorporate that too.
That is the correct file file name, but that is NOT my repo, that's the archived LC Community Repo.
The repo that I've pushed my IDE scripts changes to and have tried to keep somewhat in-sync with is the DontPanicEdition repo (the only changes to the other 'Engine' repo have been Dictionary/Docs related). ... nicEdition

here is the full script of my revshortcutslibrary file:

Code: Select all

on extensionInitialize
   // SN-2015-05-13: [[ Bug 15365 ]] Make sure that we don't catch
   //  extensionInitialize message if we are not the target
   if the target is not me then
      pass "extensionInitialize"
   end if
   insert the script of me into front
end extensionInitialize

on extensionFinalize
   remove the script of me from front
end extensionFinalize

on revNewTool
   # AL-2015-03-26: [[ Bug 15045 ]] Deal with the newTool message correctly
   if the tool is "browse tool" then
      if the long id of me is in the frontScripts then
         remove script of me from front
         insert script of me into back
         go (the topStack) -- keyboard focus for shortcuts to the running stack
      end if
   else if the tool is "pointer tool" then
      if the long id of me is in the backScripts then
         remove script of me from back
         insert script of me into front
      end if
   end if
end revNewTool

# OK-2008-03-19 : gREVSuppressMessages was being used with no declaration in multiple places
global gREVSuppressMessages

on arrowKey pDirection, pTarget
   if pTarget is empty then
      put the long id of the target into pTarget
   end if

   // SN-2015-06-25: [[ Bug 15515 ]] <the target> is the name of the target
   if word 1 of pTarget is "button" and the arm of pTarget then pass arrowKey

   if the navigationArrows and (not revOKTarget() and (the optionKey is down or (the selectedField is empty and (the selObj) is empty) or (the selectedField is not empty and revTargetStack(the long id of the selectedField) is not the short name of the topStack))) then
      set the defaultStack to the topStack
      if pDirection is "left" then pass arrowKey to top
      if pDirection is "right" then pass arrowKey to top
      if not gREVSuppressMessages or (gREVSuppressMessages and revOKTarget()) then pass arrowKey
   end if

   if the selectedField is not empty and (not gREVSuppressMessages or (gREVSuppressMessages and revOKTarget())) then pass arrowKey

   local tStack
   put revTargetStack(line 1 of (the selObj)) into tStack

   if the mode of stack tStack is 1 \
         and (tStack is line 1 of the openStacks or tStack is the short name of the topStack) \
         and word 1 of (the selobj) is not "card" and word 1 of (the selobj) is not "stack" then

      lock screen

      if the commandKey is down and the optionKey is down and the number of lines in (the selObj) > 1 then
         if pDirection is "up" then put "top" into pDirection
         if pDirection is "down" then put "bottom" into pDirection
         local tPosition
         do "put the" && pDirection && "of the" && line 1 of (the selObj) && "into tPosition"
         repeat for each line l in (the selObj)
            do "set the" && pDirection && "of" && l && "to" && tPosition
         end repeat
         # OK-2008-03-19 : Previously was using lDistance with no declaration
         # It apears that this is mean to be a script local so I changed it.
         local tDistance

         if the shiftkey is down then
            put 10 into tDistance
            put 1 into tDistance
         end if

         revIDENudgeControls the selobj, pDirection, tDistance

         unlock screen
         exit to top
      end if
   end if
   pass arrowKey
end arrowKey

on commandKeyDown pWhich
   global gREVUIScriptShortcut, gREVScriptShortcut, gREVReverseGrouped, gREVScriptEdit, gREVShowStacks
   -- pass to object if rev stack focused
   -- pass to top -> menu bar if not
   -- don't send to menu bar to avoid duplicates if enabled
   --message box keyboard shortcuts
   if the short name of the focusedObject is "Message Field" \
         and revTargetStack(the focusedObject) is "Message Box" \
         and pWhich is among the items of "P,N,U" then
      pass commandKeyDown
   end if

   --shortcuts in ask or answer
   if the mode of stack "ask dialog" is not 0 or the mode of stack "answer dialog" is not 0 then
      pass commandKeyDown
   end if

   --keyboard shortcut in Script Editor
   if the short name of the focusedObject is "Script" \
         and char 1 to -2 of revTargetStack(the focusedObject) is "revPropertyPalette" \
         and pWhich is "F" then
      pass commandKeyDown
   end if

   -- in OpenXTalk command-option-S is now "Save As..." since that's far more traditional app behavior
   --  as well as far more useful in my opinion - Paul McClernan 7/15/22
   -- commented out the following script because it was blocking that shortcut key change:
   -- if the optionKey is down and pWhich is "S" and the shiftKey is not down then
   --command-option-S saves all stacks
   --   local tOpenStacks
   --   put revFilterStacksList(the openStacks) into tOpenStacks
   --   repeat for each line tStack in tOpenStacks
   --      if the effective fileName of stack tStack is not empty
   --      then revSave tStack
   --      else revSaveAs tStack
   --   end repeat
   --   exit commandKeyDown
   -- end if

   if the shiftKey is not down then
      switch pWhich
         case "\"
            -- case "=" -- changed to "\" -- Paul McClernan 7/15/22
            if pWhich is "\" and the number of lines in (the selObj) > 1 then
               local tWidth
               put the width of the selObj into tWidth
               repeat for each line tObject in (the selectedObjects)
                  set the width of tObject to tWidth
               end repeat
            end if

         case ";"
            if the selectedObjects is not empty then
               repeat for each line l in (the selectedObjects)
                  set the textStyle of l to empty
                  set the textSize of l to empty
                  set the textColor of l to empty
                  set the textFont of l to empty
               end repeat
               set the textStyle of the selectedChunk to empty
               set the textSize of the selectedChunk to empty
               set the textColor of the selectedChunk to empty
               set the textFont of the selectedChunk to empty
            end if
         case "7"
            if the mode of stack "revMessageWatcher" is not 0 then
               send "mouseUp" to btn "clear" of stack "revMessageWatcher"
            end if
            pass commandKeyDown
      end switch
      switch pWhich
         -- case "?"
         -- case "/"
         -- if the optionKey is not down then
         --   revIDEHelpKeyPressed -- this does seem to do anything, anymore.
         -- end if
         --      if the optionKey is down then revDocsToggle
         --      else
         --        revDocsToggle "show"
         --        send "menuPick" && quote & "Help Contents" & quote to btn "Help" of stack "revMenuBar"
         --      end if
         -- break

         ---------- Commoand-Shift- + / - to scale text of selected objects Up / Down
         case "="
         case "+"
            if the selectedObjects is not empty then
               put the selectedObjects into tObjects
               repeat for each line tObj in tObjects
                     put the textSize of tObj into tSize
                     if tSize is empty then put 13 into tSize
                     set the textSize of tObj to tSize + 1
                  end try
               end repeat
               if the selectedChunk is not empty then
                     put the textSize of the selectedChunk into tSize
                     if tSize is empty then put 13 into tSize
                     set the textSize of the selectedChunk to tSize + 1
                  end try
               end if
            end if
         case "_"
         case "-"
            if the selectedObjects is not empty then
               put the selectedObjects into tObjects
               repeat for each line tObj in tObjects
                     put the textSize of tObj into tSize
                     if tSize is empty then put 13 into tSize
                     set the textSize of tObj to tSize - 1
                  end try
               end repeat
               if the selectedChunk is not empty then
                     put the textSize of the selectedChunk into tSize
                     if tSize is empty then put 13 into tSize
                     set the textSize of the selectedChunk to tSize - 1
                  end try
               end if
            end if
         case "|"
         case "\"
            if the number of lines in (the selObj) > 1 then
               put the height of the selObj into tWidth
               repeat for each line l in (the selObj)
                  set the height of l to tWidth
               end repeat
            end if
         case "S"
         case "L"
         case "R"
         case "C"
            --- Change to Command+Shift+ OPTION KEY + C or S --  Command+Shift+ C or S will now be 'Center' or 'Save As..." respectively  -- Paul McCLernan
            if the optionKey is "down" then
               // AL-2014-09-16: [[ Bug 13362 ]] Don't open script editor for IDE stacks unless gREVShowStacks is true
               local tTopStack
               put the topStack into tTopStack
               if revIDEStackIsIDEStack(tTopStack) and (not gREVShowStacks) then
                  exit commandKeyDown
               end if

               if pWhich is "S" then --- This should probably be changed to a "Save As..." command instead of edit script of card/stack
                  edit script of tTopStack
                  edit script of this card of tTopStack
               end if
               if pWhich is "C" then put "center" into tAlign
               if pWhich is "L" then put "left" into tAlign
               if pWhich is "R" then put "right" into tAlign
               if the selectedObjects is not empty then
                  put the selectedObjects into tObjects
                  repeat for each line tObj in tObjects
                        set the textAlign of tObj to tAlign
                     end try
                  end repeat
               else if the selectedChunk is not empty then
                        set the textAlign of the selectedChunk to tAlign
                     end try
               end if
            end if

            # OK-2008-07-07: Bug 6710 - The exit to top is preventing the script editor from finishing its initialization,
            # I'm not 100% certain how safe this fix is but it seems to be working ok.
            --exit to top
            exit commandKeyDown

            pass commandKeyDown
      end switch
   end if

   if not gREVSuppressMessages or (gREVSuppressMessages and revOKTarget()) then pass commandKeyDown
end commandKeyDown

on returnKey
  # TH-2008-03-06 : Fix for bug 6014
  if not errorDisplayIsTopmost() then
    if the tool is "pointer tool" and (the selObj) is not empty \
        and (((the selectedLine) is empty and (the selectedText) is empty) \
        or the short name of the topStack is revTargetStack(line 1 of (the selObj)))
    then send "mouseDoubleUp" to the selObj
  end if

  if not gREVSuppressMessages or (gREVSuppressMessages and revOKTarget()) then
    pass returnKey
  end if
end returnKey

# TH-2008-03-06 : This function returns true when revErrorDisplay is the topmost stack, it
# excludes stacks above it with higher modes ie. palettes, messagebox etc. This will
# determine whether or not the reverrordisplay stack is active/focused.
private function errorDisplayIsTopmost
  repeat for each line tStack in the openstacks
    if the mode of stack tStack > the mode of stack "revErrorDisplay" then
      next repeat
    end if
    if tStack is "revErrorDisplay" then
      return true
      return false
    end if
  end repeat
end errorDisplayIsTopmost

on tabKey
   if the commandKey is down and the optionKey is down then
      --toggle tool
      if the tool is "pointer tool" then
         revIDESetTool "browse"
         revIDESetTool "pointer"
      end if
      unlock cursor
      exit tabKey
   end if

   # OK-2008-05-05 : Ctrl+tab is the standard shortcut for switching between tabs
   # so if the script editor is focused then we hijack this shortcut for now.
   local tFocusObject
   if the focusedObject is not empty then
      put the long id of the focusedObject into tFocusObject
   end if

   local tStack

   if tFocusObject is not empty then
      put revTargetStack(the focusedObject) into tStack
      if the mainstack of stack tStack is the short name of revScriptEditorMain() then
         pass tabKey
      end if
   end if

   if the commandKey is down and the controlKey is down then
      --toggle palettes
      send "mouseUp" to btn "toggle palettes" of stack "revMenuBar"
   end if
   pass tabKey
end tabKey ... codescript
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by richmond62 »

Well, in for a penny, in for a farthing . . . 8-)
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.15.46.png
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.15.46.png (165.59 KiB) Viewed 1432 times
MacOS 12.7.2
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.19.00.png
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.19.00.png (72.9 KiB) Viewed 1432 times
Hmm: possibly because my OXT Lite 0.96 is in a folder called 'xTalk' . . .

Let's bung a copy in the Applications folder:
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.25.10.png
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.25.10.png (824.96 KiB) Viewed 1431 times
Err: No: just me being a silly bugger and not following the instructions:
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by richmond62 »

Err: No: just me being a silly bugger and not following the instructions:
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.26.54.png
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.26.54.png (223.61 KiB) Viewed 1431 times

paris hilton.jpg
paris hilton.jpg (42.41 KiB) Viewed 1430 times
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by tperry2x »

Thanks for that Paul.
I've added it, but other than removing the cmd-shift-s (save as), it does not seem to work for increasing / decreasing size of objects. Did you also edit revmenubar as well?
Screenshot at 2023-12-29 14-32-18.png
Screenshot at 2023-12-29 14-32-18.png (30.81 KiB) Viewed 1429 times
Sorry to also be a pain, but I don't know if these are your recent changes as not dated:
Screenshot at 2023-12-29.png
Screenshot at 2023-12-29.png (71.09 KiB) Viewed 1426 times
I used diff compare (diffuse):
Seems to be a lot that's changed?
Screenshot at 2023-12-29 14-42-09.png
Screenshot at 2023-12-29 14-42-09.png (169.8 KiB) Viewed 1425 times
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by richmond62 »

With the version now saying 0.97 I checked for updates:
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.32.53.png
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.32.53.png (65.28 KiB) Viewed 1429 times
Let's see what happens:
Still works: even if the instructions in the white window are misleading . . .
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by richmond62 »

Continued work on the 'All Guides' stack
I am not entirely sure exactly what you mean, but THIS knocks the socks off LC:
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.38.32.png
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.38.32.png (125.03 KiB) Viewed 1425 times
Although I do suggest it is palettised. 8-)
Irrelevant remark:

Not many people know that Kris Kristofferson was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford and played Rugby football for the university.
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by richmond62 »

Added shortcut for Object Inspector ctrl-shift-i
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.43.56.png
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.43.56.png (641.28 KiB) Viewed 1422 times
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by richmond62 »

added a resizeable indicator to the report builder's 'report' window
No obvious at all, I'm afraid:
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.47.43.png
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.47.43.png (497.29 KiB) Viewed 1421 times
Um . . . ?
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.58.38.png
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 16.58.38.png (17.83 KiB) Viewed 1419 times
(1.51 KiB) Downloaded 108 times
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by richmond62 »

Added shortcuts for the Project Browser (ctrl-shift-P) and the Application browser (ctrl-shift-A)
moved 'Application Browser' back into the "Tools" menu (actually, left it in plugins too as it's a plugin)
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 17.01.45.png
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 17.01.45.png (103.46 KiB) Viewed 1417 times
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by richmond62 »

Added an option to "Check for updates" via the help menu
Tried and tested. 8-)
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by richmond62 »

removing the cmd-shift-s
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 17.06.15.png
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 17.06.15.png (265.24 KiB) Viewed 1414 times
Although cannot see any advantage in that.
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by tperry2x »

richmond62 wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 2:47 pm
added a resizeable indicator to the report builder's 'report' window
No obvious at all, I'm afraid
Yes, that should be the resize bit at the bottom corner.
Sorry to be a pain, but if I could get you to check for updates again.
I think I'll have to revert Paul's changes to the revshortcutslibrary, I'd really like a list of what he's added as I can't get those to function via editing that file. (Wouldn't these need to be in revMenubar?)

I've updated the allguides so it is indeed locked when viewing. (When editing, it now allows changes).
The resizer should be back on the "Report Builder". If it's not, please let me know.
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by richmond62 »

Sorry to be a pain
Hey, as I indicated recently, I "like" pain: here goes:
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 17.15.34.png
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 17.15.34.png (18.89 KiB) Viewed 1411 times

OK: I can see the '" on my desktop: but where are the other 2: and won't other users (i.e. ones less kinky than me) find that '3 downloads' a bit disconcerting?

OK: applied update: let's "look through the windows':
playschool.jpeg (164.18 KiB) Viewed 1409 times
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 17.22.06.png
Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 17.22.06.png (29.64 KiB) Viewed 1408 times

Guides as palette!
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by tperry2x »

richmond62 wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 3:14 pm 3 downloads?
Yes, they download to a temp folder and the script on your desktop just moves them.
One is the allguides, one is the shortcuts library (undo changes), and one is the report builder.

Maybe I should have a disclosure triangle, that you can 'hinge down' so it shows the filenames of what has been downloaded?

What would you like the 'Save As' shortcut to be on the file menu? I'm thinking CMD-Alt-S?
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by richmond62 »

Maybe I should have a disclosure triangle, that you can 'hinge down' so it shows the filenames of what has been downloaded?
I think that would be a good thing, or you might end up having another lover's tiff with FourthWorld.
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by tperry2x »

richmond62 wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 3:25 pm I think that would be a good thing, or you might end up having another lover's tiff with FourthWorld.
Well, the last time it ended up with him suggesting we go to the pub, so all's well that ends well.
Yes, I'll work on adding a summary that lists the files downloaded.

Just twigged - can't use ctrl-shift-s as that's "edit script of stack"
Can't use ctrl-alt-S, because that's windowshade a window on linux (still call it windowshade from my OS9 days, - 'roll up' I think it's called now).

Have settled on ctrl-shift-a (CMD-shift-A on mac) for Save As.
Screenshot at 2023-12-29 15-52-26.png
Screenshot at 2023-12-29 15-52-26.png (7.3 KiB) Viewed 1395 times
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Re: Comments on 0.97

Post by richmond62 »

we go to the pub
Well, possibly, but there's a lot of water (and NOT beer) between California and Norfolk. 8-)
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