Here's a tool I'm working on and using

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Here's a tool I'm working on and using

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

Here's a tool I'm working on and using to help with editing IDE UI Stacks. Like everything its a work in progress.
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You pick a stack fro the popup menu, then you can scroll through a list of objects on the currentCard of that stack, which is selecting each object in that stack as you go, it can edit the script of the selected stack, lets you copy controls and groups from IDE stacks like revTools, revMenuBar, revStandaloneSettings, etc. I have a few ideas of what I can add to make it more useful.

There's a script in this (most of my Palette stacks) so that if you hold down the option/alt key when opening the palette stack it opens as topLevel for editing the stack,
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Re: Here's a tool I'm working on and using

Post by richmond62 »

Curses: and there I was going to devote 100% of my time tomorrow to sorting out my new computer bench in my school, sweating, cursing, getting covered in dust, hitting my thumb with the hammer, mumbling to myself "I didn't get this tired when I was 45.", and general having a groovy time.

Now I am condemned to sitting on a comfortable chair in front of a computer testing out your clever stack . . . You are awful. 8-)
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Re: Here's a tool I'm working on and using

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

richmond62 wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:26 pm Now I am condemned to sitting on a comfortable chair in front of a computer testing out your clever stack . . . You are awful. 8-)
I'm sure you'll let me know how that goes. Thanks for testing.
You can use regular edit menu to copy the object that are selected, even invisible objects. I recently realized that you can even select a stack, and copy the data of the stack (binary or script-only) all via script. I was investigating if I could convert a selected stack into a binary data in memory, and you can but only on the desktop IDE engines.

Anyway, this resource extractor / browser stack needs to have 'Navgator' too, at least right/left arrows to change currentCard of the selected stack and show the card's name (if it has one).
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Re: Here's a tool I'm working on and using

Post by richmond62 »

All a bit aukward:

1. Why, when I click on anything on your stack does the standalone settings stack launch, obscuring your stack?
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Re: Here's a tool I'm working on and using

Post by richmond62 »

1. Coloured the card pale blue . . . sorry, eyes going funny with all that white everywhere.

2. Navigation buttons for navigating a topStack.
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Re: Here's a tool I'm working on and using

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

richmond62 wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:21 am All a bit aukward:

1. Why, when I click on anything on your stack does the standalone settings stack launch, obscuring your stack?
Because that was the selected stack I was editing when I save the stack last, so it is reselecting that stack whenever the stack resumes, use the pop-up menu to select a different stack to edit, use up / down arrows to scroll through the list of objects as it selects each.
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