Heres's a snippet for message box:
Code: Select all
get the effective revAvailableHandlers of stack "home";sort it;put it
Code: Select all
get the effective revAvailableHandlers of the topStack;sort it;put it
I believe the format of this list is:
Letters _ handlerName _ startingScriptLineOfhandler, endinigScriptLineOfhandler stack "path/to/stack"
_ equals 1 space " "
'Letters' is on of the following list along with there equivalent meaning:
F = function
PF = private function
M = message
PM = private message
A = after-message -- for emp. a handler 'after mouseUp' gets executed after the normal 'on mouseUp' message.
B = before-message -- exmp. handler 'before mouseDown' gets executed before the normal 'on mouseDown' handler message.
G = getProp
S = setProp
Next in each line there is a single space and then the Handlers name.
This script sorts the list by handlerNames:
Code: Select all
get the effective revAvailableHandlers of the topStack;sort it by word 2 of each; put it
These numbers are the line-number of the first script line where the handler begins, and the line of number where that handler ends, which can be used to make a chunk expression in order to select or copy the handler for example.
That can optionally be followed by a space and the name of a stack where the handler originates, this is because it may be important to know if the handler exists in another stack, as the handler could exist in a behavior script or library stack.
Edited, Aug. 4, 2024 -- merged info from second post, and fixed up some bad text.