The complete distribution for Unix systems (tarred and gzipped). Includes the Revolution engine for Linux. For all other Unix systems, download this file, then download the engine for your Unix flavor from the list below.
That is odd, as I thought Linux was NOT a Unix system: someone 'somewhere' got it wrong.
The Revolution engine for FreeBSD and BSDI does NOT download: although I suspect that the relevant engine from MetaCard would work with this.
richmond62 wrote: ↑Tue Nov 26, 2024 4:01 pm
The Revolution engine for FreeBSD and BSDI does NOT download: although I suspect that the relevant engine from MetaCard would work with this.
Ah that's a shame, an xTalk (besides OpenXION) running on FreeBSD would be rather cool, even if it's a version that's a quarter century old now.
One thing interesting I stumbled on while looking at an archive of the old MetaCard website was a revelation that the MC Engine was once compiled and made available as a shared library that could be embedded into other apps (the way Lua scripting is often used).